August 17th, 2022
What’s in your share?
Dark Red Norland Potatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
Bell Peppers
In past Newsletters I have been referenced the Food Sovereignty Movement and La Via Campesina. I am still, broadly, an advocate for much of the interests of both of these concepts and their corresponding movements.
Make sure to Check out the Sweet Italian Frying Peppers Storage and Recipes page!
Over the last couple years I have been introduced to a rather comprehensive and healthy critique of the above concepts, and I thought I’d link to one particular essay, “Food sovereignty via the ‘peasant way’: a skeptical view” by Henry Bernstein, here - The critique presents several imperative questions to the general assumptions, worldview, objectives, and promises of peasant farming systems similar to that of CSA and Market farmers such as ourselves.
You say “tomato,” I say “tomato”…
For now, I am just going to leave you with the essay and give you a chance to absorb it as much or as little as you’d like (if it pleases you). Bernstein pokes from a place of experience and care, understanding that those he criticizes are - most importantly - his friends and comrades. I encourage you to see the references and footnotes for a wonderful assortment of authors and activists, and to check out their impressive catalogues and work in bringing food system scholarship and its movements to where they are today.
If you are interested in more of my commentary concerning the essay and it’s prescriptions, please check back next week. Also, please feel welcome to provide your own thoughts and questions to us via email.
I am hoping this will become a jumping off point in collaborating with other farmers and food system workers in SE Wisconsin to access the problems we are facing and develop a strategy towards bringing into being a more healthy and peaceful food and farm system for people and the rest of the planet.
Winter (Squash) is coming…